Desmume v0.9.10rev4796中文版

2024-07-13發(fā)布者:wx20230305205025大?。?/span> 下載:0



這是一個 Nintendo Dual Screen 模擬器。開源,更新很勤快有希望能替代 No$GBA。

simplify list files, ensure all entries get recursed

bug: fix a ton of old, broken cpu opcodes and CP15 logic
bug: return Z1 and Z2 from TSC (fixes some touch logic)
bug: gba slot save type detection improved
bug: handle unusual rom headers more correctly
bug: dont confuse motion pack commands with save memory commands
bug: make cheat system a little less flaky and add AR 1.54 support
bug: fix nondeterministic backup memory behaviour while rerecording
bug: correct emulation of register accesses of wrong size and during powerdown
bug: rewrite --cflash-path emulation
bug: rewrite IPC/GX FIFO, IRQ flag generation, and wait-for-IRQ logics
bug: rewrite RTC calendar handling; now supports years > 2038
enh: auto-DLDI patching for homebrew
enh: --gbaslot-rom=self mounts self.nds in slot2
enh: more realistic exception handling
enh: piano controller emulation
enh: modular slot-1 system for exact emulation of homebrew cards

bug: edge marking colors were wrong
bug: handle some "invalid" vram configurations correctly
bug: convert half of geometry engine to fixed point
bug: fix sprite blend+fadein/fadeout
bug: improve rasterizer shadows
bug: fix main memory display DMA
bug: fix some raster fx timing bugs
enh: add a hack for improving some non-stencil shadowsimage.png


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